Links of Interest
Patricia Johanson - lead designer of the Bayfront Stormwater Garden
- www.patriciajohanson.com
Barr Engineering - engineering firm working with us
- www.barr.com
Conservation Technologies - designed the solar components
- www.conservtech.com
Recommended Links:
Flow Forms America - flow forms are sculptures that aerate water - very cool!
- www.flowformsamerica.com
Arts & Healing Network
- www.artheals.org
Keeper's of the Waters
- keepersofthewaters.org
Boreal Natives
- www.prairieresto.com/Boreal/boreal_natives.htm
Woodspirit Water Gardens - designs and installs water gardens, located in Minnesota
- www.woodspiritgardens.com
Great River Greening - river restoration
- www.greatrivergreening.org
Leaning Pine Native Nursery
- www.restoreshore.com
Wildones - Arrowhead Chapter
- www.d.umn.edu/~wildones/
Rockpeople - Canadian Arctic inspired Inukshuk
- www.rockpeople.org
It Takes A Village Radio Show- Each week Carla Kjellberg talks to people who are working to better their community.
- www.villagetalkradio.com
Hear an interview with Jill Jacoby from 5/3/08 at
- http://www.villagetalkradio.com